Careica Health

Careica Health: The “Snore Score” that changed the game for lead generation campaigns

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Over 2,500 Canadians took the Snore Score quiz

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23% moved to book a Sleep Study

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29% requested a quote

Building on our fifth year of providing digital marketing lead-generation services for Careica, we have continually improved results by understanding the audience and ensuring messaging is provided at the right time, in the right place, to the right audience.

Careica Health

How A “Snore Score” Changed the Game for Lead Generation Campaigns

Careica Health helps Canadians suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnose and obtain treatment for their condition. Did you know:

  • Sleep apnea is a disorder that abruptly causes breathing to stop and start during sleep.
  • An estimated 5.4 million Canadians are at high risk for OSA
  • Left untreated, sleep apnea can cause people to lose not only sleep, but diminish the quality of their health or their marriage

If you didn’t know about sleep apnea, you are not alone. That’s because 80%+ people suffering from sleep apnea don’t even know they have it. That’s a whopping 4.32 million Canadians who likely are living with sleep apnea and unaware.

Sherpa’s task was to digitally connect with those unaware sleep apnea sufferers who were in the dark and guide them to Careica for a diagnosis and treatment plan. To find sufferers, we had to map the customer journey and determine the right messaging to use for each prospect group and where/when to find them.

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The Results

Sherpa’s job was ultimately to move people down the customer journey funnel and ensure a positive ROI for the client. To find people with OSA, Sherpa needed to help OSA sufferers self-identify.

We created a targeted digital promotion for the Snore Score Quiz and led thousands of Canadian to take the quiz. When they took the quiz, 23% moved to book a Sleep Study and 29% requested a quote for equipment re-purchases.

  1. Over a 2,500 Canadians took the Snore Score quiz
  2. 23% moved to book a Sleep Study
  3. 29% requested a quote

When do individuals know they have a problem getting a restful night sleep? When they should be sleeping!

Our deep dive into the data showed many actionable insights, but if we were to share these industry secrets it wouldn't give our client the competitive advantage would it?

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